Month: August 2017

  • News, Spoilers, & Weekly Writing Prompts

    BSB News We posted one poem for the prompts last week – a fun little eclipse-centered piece called The Warning by Alex Westhaven. Did you read it? If not, catch it at the link below: Prompted Poetry: The Warning Want to join the fun next week? Scroll down, grab a prompt and write a story or…

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  • Weekly Poetry Prompt Stories: The Warning

    Poetry Prompt of the Week: Write a poem about how ancient civilizations might have viewed/perceived an eclipse. The Warning by Alex Westhaven The air is strange today, my dear, the sky is growing dim, I’m not sure what to do, my dear, and neither is the wind. Night is falling quickly now, though we’ve hours yet ‘til…

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  • News, Darkness, & Weekly Writing Prompts

    BSB News Last week’s freebie (and our last one for awhile) was a nice fall-themed collection of stories by several different authors called Listen to the Leaves. If you haven’t checked it out yet, it’s a great way to usher in the new school year and fall! Did you catch the prompt poems and prose…

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  • Weekly Prose Prompt Stories: Monkey Shines

    Prose Writing Prompt of the Week: Someone figures out how to beat the carnival games and wins a big stuffed monkey. He/she gives it to a stranger – what happens? Monkey Shines by  Carol R. Ward “You can’t keep that,” Irene protested. She stopped in her tracks as they headed away from the game. “Why not?…

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  • Weekly Poetry Prompt: Favorite or Least Favorite Carnival Rides

    Poetry Prompt of the Week: Write a poem about your favorite or least favorite carnival ride. Carnival by Carol R. Ward The carnival, the carnival! Let’s go to the carnival! There’s games and food and rides – Test your skill or loop the loop It’s so hard to decide. The carousel spins round and round as…

    Read More: Weekly Poetry Prompt: Favorite or Least Favorite Carnival Rides
  • News, Reading New Authors, & Weekly Writing Prompts

    BSB News Like a little kink in your erotica? Last week’s freebie should have fit the bill quite nicely. Trinity Marlow’s The Naughty List is a romantic little erotic adventure that’s just 99 cents at your favorite etailer. If you missed the free download…pop over to the book page for links and an excerpt from…

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  • Weekly Poetry Prompt: About the House

    Poetry Prompt of the Week: Write a poem about your house (or a house you want). Do you like it? Love it? Hate it? Does it hate you? My House by Jamie DeBree Four green walls, Three more for the garage, A boundary between me and the world. Fifties-style plan, Four bedrooms if you squint, Not…

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  • News, Named Houses & Weekly Writing Prompts

    BSB News Did you get last week’s free download of The Handyman’s Harem Girl? The third book in the Fantasy Ranch series, it includes a deeper look into “ranch life”, and a mystery that includes doll heads, of all things. Intense in places, campy in others (as per the series), it’s a good read, if…

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  • Weekly Prose Prompt Stories: Metamorphosis

    Prose Writing Prompt of the Week: Write about some sort of metamorphosis, what triggered it and whether the outcome was expected or not.  Metamorphosis by Jamie DeBree They’re all staring. This was a really bad idea. Mary Coulter adjusted the strap of her new leather satchel for the one-hundredth time on her shoulder and kept walking,…

    Read More: Weekly Prose Prompt Stories: Metamorphosis


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