Month: August 2017
News, Spoilers, & Weekly Writing Prompts
Read More: News, Spoilers, & Weekly Writing PromptsBSB News We posted one poem for the prompts last week – a fun little eclipse-centered piece called The Warning by Alex Westhaven. Did you read it? If not, catch it at the link below: Prompted Poetry: The Warning Want to join the fun next week? Scroll down, grab a prompt and write a story or…
News, Darkness, & Weekly Writing Prompts
Read More: News, Darkness, & Weekly Writing PromptsBSB News Last week’s freebie (and our last one for awhile) was a nice fall-themed collection of stories by several different authors called Listen to the Leaves. If you haven’t checked it out yet, it’s a great way to usher in the new school year and fall! Did you catch the prompt poems and prose…
News, Reading New Authors, & Weekly Writing Prompts
Read More: News, Reading New Authors, & Weekly Writing PromptsBSB News Like a little kink in your erotica? Last week’s freebie should have fit the bill quite nicely. Trinity Marlow’s The Naughty List is a romantic little erotic adventure that’s just 99 cents at your favorite etailer. If you missed the free download…pop over to the book page for links and an excerpt from…
News, Named Houses & Weekly Writing Prompts
Read More: News, Named Houses & Weekly Writing PromptsBSB News Did you get last week’s free download of The Handyman’s Harem Girl? The third book in the Fantasy Ranch series, it includes a deeper look into “ranch life”, and a mystery that includes doll heads, of all things. Intense in places, campy in others (as per the series), it’s a good read, if…
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Dream Big
Prompt word of the week: Dream. Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and I was thinking about how his “I Have a Dream” speech is very popular, but I don’t think I’ve ever read one of his books. So I looked up a few of his titles, and these three stood out to…
Happy New Year!
Prompt word of the week: “Cheese” You may have noticed some changes here and there to the site (small, but the product catalog is now much improved aesthetically), and we’ve been doing a lot of work in the background, not just to this site, but to our author sites as well. The beginning of a…
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