Happy Birthday to…Me!

Prompt word of the week: Birthday!

Do you know your character’s birthday? How do they like to celebrate?

I will be turning 50 this coming Friday, which is quite exciting, I think. And Brazen Snake Books is turning 15 this year, which is also something to celebrate.

This got me wondering about the birthdays of my favorite characters and authors. My very favorite character is Jo March from Little Women, but alas, her 1846 birthday is never disclosed (though some think it must be November 29, which is Louisa May Alcott’s birthday).

Rhett Butler is another of my favorite characters, and his birthday is also never disclosed, but Trixie Belden, my favorite girl sleuth, was born on May 1st.

One of my favorite authors is James Rollins, whose birthday is August 20th, 1961. The first romance novels I ever read were by Grace Livingston Hill, born April 16, 1865. And the illusive horror writer Bentley Little was born December 21, 1960.

Then there is my favorite comic book writer, Skottie Young, whose birthday is March 3, 1978, born the same year as my little sister.

Saving the best for last, my friend and fellow BSB author Carol’s birthday was January 10th. So wish her a happy belated birthday if you haven’t already!

Do you know the birthday of your favorite character and/or author? Let me know in the comments, where ever you’re reading this (or feel free to reply to the email, if you’re reading in your inbox)!

Until next time, happy reading and writing!



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