New Format Release & Featured Excerpt: Tempest by Jamie DeBree

“Take off the blindfold, sweetheart.” He turned and watched as she pulled the fabric up off her head, and blinked her eyes open. Shadows danced over her face from the waterfall just ahead reflecting light back into the tunnel.

“Wow. Now we know why this end is hidden,” she said, stepping around him to walk up to the water. “It’s beautiful.” She reached out, let the water swirl over her fingers briefly before snapping them back. She glanced over her shoulder at him, grinning. “It’s freezing!”

He smiled at the inane comment, knowing she was close to the breaking point. They needed to catch up with the others quickly, and get some food and rest. He examined the narrow ledge on both sides of the water, and decided that the left one would be easier to navigate.

“This way,” he said, holding out his hand. Charlotte took it, and he led her into the narrow passage, choosing his steps carefully.

She let go of his hand to get a better hold on the wall. Even though this was the drier side, it was still damp, the hard surface polished by years of water eroding the rock face away. He moved slowly, a few inches at a time and glanced back at her often to make sure she was okay. He should have had her go first, but there wasn’t enough room now for her to pass.

“It’s really slippery,” she commented, her voice shaking a little. He waited for her to catch up, frowning at the tremble of her arms as she reached for the next hold. She slid her foot towards him, then moved the other to catch up, a sideways inch worm. She had almost reached him when she looked up, meeting his eyes with a smile. “I think I’ve got it now,” she said, sliding her foot forward a few more inches. She reached for the next hold that would bring her next to him.

And missed.

Tempest is now available in a digitally-narrated audiobook! Get it (or the standard ebook) on Google Play!

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Professor Charlotte “Charlie” Reynolds assumes that weather is the only thing she has to worry about when she leads the last backpacking group of the season up Tempest Mountain. Joined at the last minute by sinfully sexy Jake Nelson, Charlie is caught up in a dangerous whirlwind of nature, drug trafficking and a man she can’t seem to resist.

Agent Jake Nelson knows his latest mission to secure evidence will be dangerous and potentially put the entire group of hikers at risk. When the feisty Dr. Reynolds catches his eye, he’s torn between the need to protect and the desire to possess.

Contains some graphic sensual scenes – ice water not included



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