We’re continuing our observance of National Poetry Month this week – have you read a poem lately? Comment below with the title/author, and choose a book from our catalog to receive for free! All book categories except Humor/Satire are available.
The poem I chose this week was by pure happenstance, and honestly, I was in a hurry. So I opened up my copy of Poems Across the Big Sky II: An Anthology of Montana Poets to a random page, and found Riparian by Sandra Alcosser, Montana’s Poet Laureate from 2005-2007. It’s a short poem about the refreshing nature of…well, nature, and how it can invigorate and refresh us from our encounters with the world at large. Or that’s how I read it, in any case. Which was perfect for the harried state of mind I found myself in at the time.
I love it when that happens – the thing you need to be most reminded of is the thing you read next. Serendipity!
In other news, ebook pre-orders for The Time Stone are still available for one more week at the reduced price of $1.99. After Friday, the price goes up to $3.99, so if you’re interested, order your copy today to lock in that discount price! Amazon | Kobo | Barnes & Noble
The print copy is also approved, and should be coming out on your favorite online retailer sites within the next few days. Friday is the official release day, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find a copy sooner if you’re looking.
As soon as the ebook goes live, it will be enrolled in Kindle’s matchbook program, which means you’ll be able to get a free digital copy with each print copy you buy. A great deal if you want one to read, and one for the shelf (or to give as a gift)!
That’s all for this week – until next time, happy reading/writing!
Monthly Writing Prompts:
- Prose Prompt: A man running to catch a train/bus/cab drops a red rose. A woman picks it up, and finds a note wrapped around the stem.
- Poetry Prompt: Using different color rose petals, write a poem in which the narrator picks a petal each stanza (sort of a “loves me, loves me not” rhythm/theme).
Stories and poems for each month should be submitted by the last day of that month to brazensnake@brazensnakebooks.com. The following month, one poem and one story from the previous month will be chosen for publication here on the blog, and also in our monthly newsletter. Authors will receive a flat fee of $10 per poem or story we choose to publish. Items submitted must be original, unpublished works, however we only ask for non-exclusive rights to post the work here on our blog for one year, and in one monthly newsletter.