Site Updates and New Storefront


First, if you’re a fan of discounted ebooks (and who isn’t?), You should go check out Read an Ebook Week on Smashwords! It’s running all week through March 9th, and our books are part of the sale too. You can find our books listed on our profile.

You may have noticed some major changes happening here on the BSB site lately. We’ve been sprucing up the place with an updated template that looks and responds better on mobile devices, as well as a new “onsite” store that is open now with a couple of exclusive products you won’t find anywhere else. The store has limited inventory at the moment, but more books are being added daily, and our entire catalog will be available in the coming weeks.

We understand that you may already have a favorite place to buy books online, and that’s great! Our books will still be available on all the major online shops, and anything in print is still available for your local bookstore to order. Soon you’ll also be able to order them right here on our website, with delivery of ebooks via BookFunnel, which makes it very easy to make sure your books get sent to your favorite reading device (or you can read in your browser, if you prefer). Print books will be available for direct ordering as well, along with some fun new items that you won’t be able to get anywhere else, like handmade bookmarks and cards featuring micro-fiction stories.

The first bookmarks and cards are listed in the shop now – check them out here!

The store will be open for sales to US and Canadian customers to start, with more countries added as demand dictates. So if you’d like to shop our store directly and live somewhere other than the US or Canada, please email us and let us know.

BSB has been pretty quiet in recent years, but our authors are working hard to get more stories out of their heads and available for your entertainment. Thanks for sticking with us, and we hope you enjoy the added benefit of being able to buy directly from our micro-press.



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