Tag: new release
New Release: Magical Mayhem by Carol R. Ward
Read More: New Release: Magical Mayhem by Carol R. WardIt’s here! Magical Mayhem, the final book in The Moonstone Trilogy by Carol R. Ward is now available in eBook and paperback formats! Here’s the blurb, and keep reading for an excerpt below: Jessica was just an ordinary girl living an ordinary life until the day she opened a mysterious box sent to her by…
Weekly News & Blog Round-Up: November 7, 2022
Read More: Weekly News & Blog Round-Up: November 7, 2022Due to some unforeseen challenges, we were unable to make the announcement last week, but we are pleased to announce that the first Death by Veggies: The Collection is now available in ebook format! The print book is still in processing, but it will be available within the next few weeks as well. This first…
Release Day! The Time Stone by Marie Yoch
Read More: Release Day! The Time Stone by Marie YochIt’s here! The Time Stone is available now at all major online retailers (and some minor ones, too)! The ebook is $1.99 for today only, and will be $3.99 regular price. If you order a print copy from Amazon, you’ll get a free copy of the ebook as well. Amazon | Barnes & Noble |…
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Dream Big
Prompt word of the week: Dream. Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and I was thinking about how his “I Have a Dream” speech is very popular, but I don’t think I’ve ever read one of his books. So I looked up a few of his titles, and these three stood out to…
Happy New Year!
Prompt word of the week: “Cheese” You may have noticed some changes here and there to the site (small, but the product catalog is now much improved aesthetically), and we’ve been doing a lot of work in the background, not just to this site, but to our author sites as well. The beginning of a…
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