Tag: readers

  • Bookshelves, Books, & Weekly Writing Prompts

    Bookshelves & Books How long has it been since you organized your bookshelves? This past weekend I spent a fair amount of time moving about a quarter of our books from the three bookcases in our home office to the living room floor and dining room table, and then back again after we replaced the…

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  • Weekly Prompt Prose: Phone Bump

    Prose Writing Prompt of the Week: Someone is reading a book on their phone while walking on a city street. They bump into someone who is less than sympathetic…at least at first. How does the meeting end? Phone Bump by Jamie DeBree Abby glanced up briefly, her true attention still on the small screen in her…

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  • Weekly Prompt Poems: Tea?

    Poetry Prompt of the Week: Write a poem about having a cup of tea with someone you…don’t exactly like. Apologies for the late post this week! I think you’ll enjoy these two poems just as much on a Sunday, though. 😉  A Cup of Tea by Carol R. Ward Have a cup of tea, my dear…

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  • Weekly Prompt Poems: I Am Canadian

    Poetry Prompt of the Week: Write a poem about the weather…include at least three different types of weather patterns.  I Am Canadian by Carol R. Ward I awake to the fog coating the world like a blanket of white that’s just been unfurled. The tops of the hills rise above the white mist like islands alone…

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  • Weekly Prompt Stories: A Scrap, a Shirt, & a Shirtless Man

    Prose Writing Prompt of the Week: Let’s solve a mystery. While walking down the street, your character finds: a scrap of fabric stuck in a rose bush, a torn shirt in the gutter ten yards away, and a shirtless man lying on a lawn several houses down the block. What happened? They Never Listen by Carol…

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  • News, Multi-Media Books, & Weekly Writing Prompts

    BSB News It was a busy week for our writing prompts last week! Two poems, and two flash fiction stories were posted this past weekend. If you missed them, check them out at the links below! Prompted Poetry: Dream Desk & Waning of the Green Prompted Prose: The Fortune & All in the Cards Want to join…

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  • Weekly Prompt Stories: The Fortune & All in the Cards

    Prose Writing Prompt of the Week: A character went to get his/her fortune read six years ago. Today, that fortune is coming true in the most unexpected way. Tell us about it… The Fortune by Jamie DeBree In six years exactly, love will find you. Mandy looked out at the sunrise reflected in the still lake…

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  • Weekly Prompt Poems: Dream Desk & Waning of the Green

    Poetry Prompt of the Week: Write a poem about something (anything) that is quickly going bad. Dream Desk by Carol R. Ward For oh, so long, I’ve had a dream Since I first began to write – it’s of the perfect writing desk – I dreamed of it last night. It’s not too big and not…

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  • News, Darkness, & Weekly Writing Prompts

    BSB News Last week’s freebie (and our last one for awhile) was a nice fall-themed collection of stories by several different authors called Listen to the Leaves. If you haven’t checked it out yet, it’s a great way to usher in the new school year and fall! Did you catch the prompt poems and prose…

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  • Weekly Poetry Prompt: Favorite or Least Favorite Carnival Rides

    Poetry Prompt of the Week: Write a poem about your favorite or least favorite carnival ride. Carnival by Carol R. Ward The carnival, the carnival! Let’s go to the carnival! There’s games and food and rides – Test your skill or loop the loop It’s so hard to decide. The carousel spins round and round as…

    Read More: Weekly Poetry Prompt: Favorite or Least Favorite Carnival Rides


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