Tag: submissions

  • May Writing Prompts/Call for Submissions

    May Prose Prompt: Someone is trapped in an old root cellar. There’s food, and a water source (a well pump, or drip, or something), but no way to escape. May Poetry Prompt: Write a poem about warmth. Stories and poems for May should be submitted by the May 31st, 2018 to brazensnake@brazensnakebooks.com. One poem and one…

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  • Writing Prompt Deadlines, Release Date/Preorders, April Newsletter

    Happy Spring! Here in Montana, the bulbs are coming up, the snow is melting, and everyone’s swapping out heavy coats for jackets and getting those bikes back out of the garage. Some afternoons, it’s even nice enough to go out on the porch with a notebook or laptop and do a little writing…maybe using one…

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  • The Art of Covers & Submission Deadline Weds.

    How much impact does a book’s cover have when you’re browsing the shelves (physical or digital) for something to read? We’ve all heard the old adage to “never judge a book by its cover”, and yet, we all do, even if it’s merely a subconscious note in the back of our mind. I was thinking…

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  • New Year, New Plans, New Prompts

    Happy New Year! We hope yours is off to a great start so far, but if not, the Chinese New Year is still ahead, and perhaps that one will bring you more luck. Or at least more books! We’re still working on this year’s schedule, but it will include a few new books coming out,…

    Read More: New Year, New Plans, New Prompts


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  • Dream Big

      Prompt word of the week: Dream. Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and I was thinking about how his “I Have a Dream” speech is very popular, but I don’t think I’ve ever read one of his books. So I looked up a few of his titles, and these three stood out to…

  • Happy Birthday to…Me!

    Prompt word of the week: Birthday! Do you know your character’s birthday? How do they like to celebrate? I will be turning 50 this coming Friday, which is quite exciting, I think. And Brazen Snake Books is turning 15 this year, which is also something to celebrate. This got me wondering about the birthdays of…

  • Happy New Year!
    Happy New Year!

    Prompt word of the week: “Cheese” You may have noticed some changes here and there to the site (small, but the product catalog is now much improved aesthetically), and we’ve been doing a lot of work in the background, not just to this site, but to our author sites as well.  The beginning of a…