Tag: writing
Happy New Year!
Read More: Happy New Year!Prompt word of the week: “Cheese” You may have noticed some changes here and there to the site (small, but the product catalog is now much improved aesthetically), and we’ve been doing a lot of work in the background, not just to this site, but to our author sites as well. The beginning of a…
Writer’s Round-Up: Week of August 14, 2022
Read More: Writer’s Round-Up: Week of August 14, 2022Sunday, August 14 Where’d That Track Go? by Carol R. Ward Monday, August 15 Adventures in Pioneering by Carol R. Ward Wednesday, August 17 American Cinquain by Carol R. Ward (Poetry!) Friday, August 19 The Pond – Part 3 by Carol R. Ward (free serial story!)
Writer’s Round-Up: Week of July 24, 2022
Read More: Writer’s Round-Up: Week of July 24, 2022Tuesday, July 26 On Lineage and Ancestry by Jamie DeBree Thursday, July 28 Shifting Interests by Trinity Marlow Friday, July 29 The Hot, Hot Swim by Alex Westhaven Sales/Deals this week: Mackenzie Saves the World is on sale in ebook for 99 cents only at Barnes & Noble and Kobo until August 14th!
Writer’s Round-up: Week of July 10, 2022
Read More: Writer’s Round-up: Week of July 10, 2022Tuesday, July 12 Writing Notes: Planning? Plotting? Who Am I? by Jamie DeBree Thursday, July 14 Nature is Romantic…on Paper. by Trinity Marlow Friday, July 15 New site/blog title: Welcome to Gruesome Gully! by Alex Westhaven Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale update – just added! Flash 52: 52 Writing Prompts for a Year of Flash Fiction by…
Writer’s Round-Up: Week of June 19, 2022
Read More: Writer’s Round-Up: Week of June 19, 2022Sunday, June 19 Priorities by Carol R. Ward Monday, June 20 Waiting for Summer by Carol R. Ward Tuesday, June 21 Reader on the Sidewalk by Jamie DeBree Wednesday, June 22 Parody by Carol R. Ward Thursday, June 23 Waking Up by Trinity Marlow Friday, June 24 Friend or Foe? by Alex Westhaven Gone Fishin’…
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Dream Big
Prompt word of the week: Dream. Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and I was thinking about how his “I Have a Dream” speech is very popular, but I don’t think I’ve ever read one of his books. So I looked up a few of his titles, and these three stood out to…
Happy New Year!
Prompt word of the week: “Cheese” You may have noticed some changes here and there to the site (small, but the product catalog is now much improved aesthetically), and we’ve been doing a lot of work in the background, not just to this site, but to our author sites as well. The beginning of a…
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