Weekly News & Blog Round-Up: December 12, 2022

Two weeks to Christmas – are you ready? If you’d like to gift ebooks, the 2022 Smashwords End of Year Sale starts this Thursday, December 15th, and most BSB titles will be discounted there for the remainder of the year. You can shop our selection from our BSB Smashwords profile here.

In order to plan and prepare for the new year, we will be taking the last two weeks of the year off. We’ll return the first week of January with some fun new projects that we hope will be both entertaining and inspiring. To you and yours, we wish you the happiest of holiday seasons, and a magical start to 2023!

Until then, happy reading and writing!

Sunday, Dec. 4
And . . . That’s a Wrap, NaNoWrimo! by Carol R. Ward

Tuesday, Dec. 6
Back to ‘Old School’ Blogging by Jamie DeBree

Wednesday, Dec. 7
Beautiful Poison…or Just Beautiful? by Alex Westhaven
Happy Launch Day! by Carol R. Ward
Chazz Effect Poetry Form by Carol R. Ward

Fiction Friday, Dec. 9
The Magpie Madam: Punishment by Trinity Marlow
The Pond Part 17 by Carol R. Ward



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