Weekly News & Blog Round-Up: October 17, 2022

The two week countdown to Halloween is on! Have you picked up your free copy of Jack yet (yes, Amazon finally has it free!)…or any of Alex’s discounted books? If you read them and feel so inclined, we’d appreciate a review on your favorite site. And as always, if you have questions or comments for Alex, feel free to email her directly at alex@alexwesthaven.com. She’s always happy to hear from you!

The cover art for the new Death by Veggies collection is nearly done, so watch for that reveal coming next week. Also coming next week – a few sales for readers who aren’t into the thriller/horror genre. We haven’t forgotten about you! I think you’ll enjoy the “treats” we have in store.

Here are the links to Alex’s books – go, click, read!
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Smashwords | iTunes | Google Play | Jack on Bookfunnel

Did you miss any of our author’s blog posts last week? Catch up here!

Sunday, Oct. 9
Creativity by Carol R. Ward

Monday, Oct. 10
Introducing . . . by Carol R. Ward

Tuesday, Oct. 11
Halloween Story Starters by Jamie DeBree

Wednesday, Oct. 12
The Scariest Thing by Alex Westhaven
The Cow is Mad! Part Two by Carol R. Ward

Friday Fiction, Oct. 14
The Pond Part 11 by Carol R. Ward
Magpie Shiny, Chapter 7 by Jamie DeBree
Tastes Like Pork, Chapter 5 by Alex Westhaven
The Magpie Madam: Madeline Ellison by Trinity Marlow

Have a great week, and happy reading& writing!


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