Friday Excerpt: Jasmine Betrayal – Free This Week at Smashwords!

Jasmine Betrayal Cover

Max got to his feet, holding up a hand. “No. We are not going there. It’s too dangerous.”

Raising her eyebrows, she stepped closer, pushing a rigid finger into the center of his chest.

Either help me, or I’ll figure it out on my own. I want this over with, Max. As soon as possible, and I’ll do whatever I need to to make that happen. Understand?”

He had to work to keep from smiling at the sight of her all riled up, eyes blazing with fire and her whole body vibrating with energy. She was beautiful, gorgeous, even and he itched to haul her up against him and cover those delectable lips with his own.

Grabbing her hips, he pulled her closer, loving the small, surprised gasp that escaped her lips, and the way she instinctively grabbed his shoulders for balance.

I will help you, I promise,” he said, placing a gentle kiss at her temple. “But we need to be smart about it. There has to be another way.” He kissed her lips, just a gentle touch, pulling back as he waited for her reaction. Her hands slipped a little higher around his neck.

Like what,” she murmured, looking at his mouth like she wanted more. “I need a plan, Max. I can’t just sit here and do nothing…”

This time, she kissed him, and he held her tighter, ignoring the pain in his side. Her personal scent was so sweet, so intoxicating he felt like he’d never get enough. Stepping backward, he pulled her with him, another step and then another until he felt the edge of the bed behind his leg.

Let’s think about it some more,” he said, pulling her down with him to the mattress. He kissed her jaw, her neck, her shoulder as he pushed her shirt collar aside. “I’m sure we can think of something, if we try hard enough.”

Jasmine Betrayal is free this week for the Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale! Get your copy today!

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