Moths, Stones, & Writing Prompt Deadline

In case you missed it, the latest by Alex Westhaven, The Dry Rain, is out and available now in digital format! You’ll find links and a long excerpt over on the book page – and because yours truly had a very busy weekend, the story is just 99 cents for one more day. Around 11pm (MST), it will go up to its regular price of $2.99. Or if you happen to live in the Netherlands and are a Kobo Plus member, you can borrow the book for free!

The print version will be available within the next couple of weeks or so. Sooner, rather than later, if all goes well.

I’ll be adding more BSB books to the Kobo Plus program within the next week or two, so if you are currently a Kobo Plus member, look for many of our books to be available for borrowing very soon.

Next up is next month’s release of The Time Stone by Marie Yoch! I’m currently working on cover art and getting the manuscript scheduled for formatting. Release day isn’t until March 23rd, but there’s still much to be done before that day. It’s a fun little novel, and the start of a whole series that will be set up in the first book. More on that as release day gets closer.

The monthly newsletter should be in your inbox this Thursday, March 1st. The day before that is the last day of February (28th), which is the deadline for this month’s writing prompt submissions. Did this month’s prompts inspire you? Send in your stories by Wednesday for a chance at $10 and publication on our blog and in the April Newsletter!

Until next time, happy reading and writing…

Monthly Writing Prompts:

  • Prose Prompt: Write a story about something quirky a character does only on rainy afternoons.
  • Poetry Prompt: Write a poem about rain, water-based or otherwise.

Stories and poems for each month should be submitted by the last day of that month to The following month, one poem and one story from the previous month will be chosen for publication here on the blog, and also in our monthly newsletter. Authors will receive a flat fee of $10 per poem or story we choose to publish. Items submitted must be original, unpublished works, however we only ask for non-exclusive rights to post the work here on our blog for one year, and in one monthly newsletter.


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