Happy Spring!
Here in Montana, the bulbs are coming up, the snow is melting, and everyone’s swapping out heavy coats for jackets and getting those bikes back out of the garage. Some afternoons, it’s even nice enough to go out on the porch with a notebook or laptop and do a little writing…maybe using one of our writing prompts for inspiration.
On that note, if you’re planning to submit a story or poem this month, submissions are due on Saturday, March 31st (by midnight).
The monthly newsletter normally comes out on the first of the month, but since April 1st is next Sunday, and also Easter, the April newsletter will be out on Monday the 2nd instead. Watch your inboxes!
One more bit of news regarding The Time Stone. Due to a few things that I’d really like to have set up and done in conjunction with the release of this first young reader adventure series, I’ve decided to push the release date back one more time. This will allow me make sure the print copy is available at the same time as the ebook, and also that a special web site to go with the series is online and ready for visitors with some extra content that I think might be interesting/fun for readers of the series.
Everything will be ready to go by April 20th, so that will be the new release date. That date is firm, and in the meantime, I’ll be setting up preorders at all the distributors that will allow it this week, so you can preorder at a discounted price before the book goes on sale. Look for preorder details in the newsletter and blog post next week! This will be our first preorder offering, so we’ll see how it goes.
Enjoy the nicer weather, and don’t forget to take a book (or two) with you on your adventures!
Monthly Writing Prompts:
- Prose Prompt: Write a story about a field of sunflowers, and at least two people who meet there one day/night.
- Poetry Prompt: Write a poem about the beautiful flower on a plant considered a weed.
Stories and poems for each month should be submitted by the last day of that month to brazensnake@brazensnakebooks.com. The following month, one poem and one story from the previous month will be chosen for publication here on the blog, and also in our monthly newsletter. Authors will receive a flat fee of $10 per poem or story we choose to publish. Items submitted must be original, unpublished works, however we only ask for non-exclusive rights to post the work here on our blog for one year, and in one monthly newsletter.